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Chinese translation for "party adjudged bankrupt"


Related Translations:
adjudged:  裁判员决定的判定
adjudge:  vt.1.判决,宣判;裁定。2.判给,断与。3.断定,认为。短语和例子adjudge a man (to be) guilty 判决某人有罪。 be adjudged wise to do sth. 去做某事被视为明智。
adjudged bankrupt:  被裁定破产评定印花税额手续费评估契据费破产宣告
be adjudged to be:  被裁定为
adjudge a firm as bankrupt by the court:  法庭裁定某企业破产
bankrupt:  n.1.破产者,无力偿还债务者。2.丧失(名誉、智力等)的人。短语和例子a moral bankrupt道德沦丧的人。adj.1.破了产的;无支付力的,无力偿还债务的。2.(名誉)扫地的,(智力等)完全丧失的。3.垮了的,枯竭的。短语和例子be declared bankrupt 宣告破产。 bankrupt of [in] 完全丧失,完全缺乏 (be bankrupt i
bankrupt director:  破产董事长
bankrupt in:  完全缺乏
adjudicated bankrupt:  被判定破产裁定破产人
become bankrupt:  倒闭, 破产
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